Welcome to the Accord Center

Do you ask yourself who am I? what am I? what is possible?

If so, you are on the road to uncovering the best and most courageous version of yourself.


What if the very things we think are “wrong” with ourselves or “need changing” are the very things that can lead us to our best selves?

What if the answers and the path to our best selves are not far away or the result of hard and grueling work? What if a few simple skills combined with gentlelovingkindness could uncover the best self that is right here right now?

If you are reading this then you have courageously taken a step towards uncovering the best and most courageous version of yourself. Asking questions like “Who am I?” and “What am I?” and “What is possible?” reveals a courage that we often take for granted. Just asking these questions is courageous. Taking any step towards answering these questions is courageous.

I have have helped thousands of people over the last 35 years uncover their best selves. I provide a safe, supportive and highly experienced environment that will allow you to finally and successfully uncover the best version of you. Please feel free have a look around my website, read my blog, and contact me anytime if you have any questions.

Our Services

Below are a few of the services we offer

The Sedona Method®

The Sedona Method® is a modern, simple, easy, elegant, and profoundly effective process of self inquiry that helps us access and dissolve all the internal conflicts and obstacles that interfere with our having success in all the areas of our lives.

Food Addiction

While sometimes endlessly alluring, overeating doesn’t actually satisfy any of our true and deepest hungers. These deep hungers are messages from the soul. We need to listen deeply to these messages in order to satisfy all of our hungers.


Combining a psychodynamic, developmental and cognitive/behavioral approach to our process allows us to gain a deep understanding of ourselves and also allows us to make deep and abiding changes in our lives.

What my clients
say about me

Delilah has so much patience and she has taught me through example to have the same patience with myself. I now can be with my process so deeply. I can release suffering and obstacles with my patience. It’s funny how when I have patience with how I feel the release is faster and deeper. I am so grateful to have found Delilah!
I feel I can tell Delilah anything and she has this way of making me feel safe and not judged. She listens and helps me to release without any judgments. I have been to able finally let go of some really bad memories and very painful issues.
Marissa B.
I just finished a job for a customer and he paid me twice as much as the price quote I gave him. He said he wanted to let me know how happy he was with the job and that he will be working with me again. This has to be because I’ve been releasing with Delilah for the last three months on work and money. If you want results, release with Delilah.
Marty B.
Seatle, WA